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Indonesia imposes safeguard measure on certain Stranded wire, ropes and cables
23 March 2011


Upon the receipt of an application from PT Wonosari Jaya, KPPI decided to initiate a safeguard investigation against stranded wire, ropes and cables, locked coil, flattened strands and non-rotating wire ropes (HS code Ex. 7312.10.10.00), as mentioned in the notification to the WTO on 18 February 2010.

The investigation revealed that the domestic industry experienced serious injury due to the increased volume of imports of the subject good. As such, the Minister of Finance issued Decree No. 55/PMK.011/2011 on 23 March 2011 which imposes a safeguard measure in the form of specific duty for 3 (three) years on the imported products, with progressive liberalization in the second and third years as shown below.

Amongst the excluded countries from the safeguard measure due to the de minimis rule, include India, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.