News & Event > Anti Dumping
India Begins Anti Dumping Investigation Concerning Imports of “Aluminum Foil 80 Micron and Below” Originating from China, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
30 June 2020

On 22 April 20120 Government of India, the DGTR initiated anti dumping investigation on imported Aluminium Foil 80 micron and below from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand based on a request filed by M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd.,, M/s Raviraj Foils Ltd, and M/s Jindal India Ltd., as the domestic producer of the product concerned on behalf of the Indian Industry.

The product under investigation is aluminium foil whether or not printed or backed with paper, paper board, plastics or similar packing materials of a thickness of 80 micron and below (with permissible tolerances). The Product Under Investigation is classified under sub-headings 7607 of the Customs Tariff Act 760711, 76071110 76071190, 760719, 76071910, 760719 91, 760719 92, 760719 93, 760719 94, 760719 95, 760719 99, 760720, 76072010 and 76072010. ? 

However, is should be noted that the Petitioners has not submit any information regarding the normal value data in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. They claimed that such information is not available publicly.

The period of investigation is 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 and the injury investigation period shall cover the periods April 2016 – March 2017, April 2017 – March 2018, April 2018 – March 2019 and the POI.

India allows the producers and exporters to submit their questionnaire response within 37 days and for the other interested parties to register their interest within 40 days from the date of the publication of the notification, and due to the special circumstance arising out of COVID-19 pandemic all submission should be sent to the Designated Authority via email at email address and ?

The known exporters from Indonesia are PT. Indoaluminium Intikarsa Industri, PT. NK Global Indonesia and PT. Woong Phat Trading.