On January 11, 2016, the United States Department of Commerce (USDOC) announced its affirmative final determination in the antidumping (AD) investigation of imports of certain uncoated paper from Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, China and Portugal; and the countervailing duty (CVD) investigations from Indonesia and China.
In the Indonesia AD investigation, the mandatory respondents are April Final Paper Macao Commercial Offshore Limited (APRIL Fine Paper) and its affiliates PT Anugerah Kertas Utama (AKU) and PT Riau Andalan Kertas (RAK); Great Champ Trading Limited and Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (IK) and its affiliates, Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia (TK) and PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills. Whereas in the CVD investigation, the mandatory respondents are APRIL Fine Paper and its cross-owned affiliates (AKU, RAK, PT Intiguna Primatama, PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper and Esensindo Cipta Cemerlang), Great Champ, IK, TK and PD.
The merchandise covered by these investigations include uncoated paper in sheet form; weighing at least 40 grams per square meter but not more than 150 grams per square meter; that either is a white paper with a GE brightness level of 85 or higher or is a colored paper; whether or not surface-decorated, printed, embossed, perforated or punched; irrespective of the smoothness of the surface; and irrespective of dimensions, falling under HTSUS categories 4802.56.1000, 4802.56.2000, 4802.56.3000, 4802.56.4000, 4802.56.6000, 4802.56.7020, 4802.56.7040, 4802.57.1000, 4802.57.2000, 4802.57.3000, and 4802.57.4000. Some imports of subject merchandise may also be classified under 4802.62.1000, 4802.62.2000, 4802.62.3000, 4802.62.5000, 4802.62.6020, 4802.62.6040, 4802.69.1000, 4802.69.2000, 4802.69.3000, 4811.90.8050 and 4811.90.9080.
The final AD rates went down in the final compared to the preliminary determination from 0.00% - 51.75% to 2.05% - 17.39%. The same also for the CVD rates, from 43.19% - 131.12% in the preliminary determination to 21.22% - 109.15% in the final.
Complete rates determined by the USDOC for the AD and CVD investigations are detailed below:
Indonesia |
April Fine Paper Macao Commercial Offshore Limited/PT Anugerah Kertas Utama/PT Riau Andalan Kertas |
2.05% |
Great Champ Trading Limited |
Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper TBK/Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia/PT. Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills |
17.39% |
All Others |
Indonesia |
APRIL Fine Paper Macao Commercial Offshore Limited, PT Anugrah Kertas Utama, PT Riau Andalan Kertas, PT Intiguna Primatama, PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper, Esensindo Cipta Cemerlang |
21.22% |
Great Champ Trading Limited |
104.00% |
Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk, Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills |
109.15% |
All Others |