Indonesian Safeguard Committee (Komite Pengamanan Perdagangan Indonesia) initiated a safeguard investigation on imported wheat flour on 24 August 2012 after receiving a petition filed by four producers under the Indonesian Flour Mills Association (Asosiasi Produsen Tepung Terigu Indonesia), namely: PT. Panganmas, PT. Lumbung Nasional, PT. Golden Grand Mill dan PT. Berkat Indah Gemilang.
The application was based on the consideration that a number of producers are in critical conditions, which will suffer irreparable damage if no concrete action is taken.
Following the result of the investigation, Indonesia passed Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 193/PMK.011/2012 concerning Provisional Safeguard Measure on Imports of Wheat Flour, on 5 December 2012 to imposed provisional safeguard measure on imports of wheat flour for 20% of the import value.
Products subject to this measure were imported wheat flour fall under the HS codes 1101.00.10.10 and 1101.00.10.90.
This provisional safeguard measure has ended on 23 June 2013.