On 30 November 2021 the European Union initiated an antidumping investigation on imports of fatty acid originating in Indonesia base on the complaint made by the Coalition against Unfair Trade in Fatty Acid (CUTFA), which is an ad hoc association. The product subject to this investigation is fatty acids saturated or unsaturated with a carbon chain length of C6, C8, C10, C12, C14, C16 or C18 with an iodine value below 105g/100g originating in Indonesia, including: single fatty acid (also referred to as ‘purecut’) and? blends containing a combination of two or more carbon chain lengths, which classified under CN codes of ex29157040, ex29157050, ex29159030, ex29159070, ex29161500, 38231100, 38231200, 38231910 and ex38231990 (TARIC codes: 2915704095, 2915705010, 2915903095, 2915907095, 2916150010 and 3823199095). In general, a fatty acid is used to add specific qualities to food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other personal product. However, the application of fatty acid depends on its iodine value.
The European Commission determined that the complainant has provided sufficient evidence that there may be raw material distortions in Indonesia concerning fatty acid production, which is crude palm oil and crude palm kernel oil that account for 70% of the cost of production.
All interested parties wishing to submit information on the product scope must do so within 10 days of the date of publication of the notice of initiation, i.e, 20 December 2021.